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Visiting new schools and settings

On this page you will find information and practical advice about visiting potential new schools and settings.

It is important to feel that a school or setting is right for your child and can meet their needs.

We would always advise visiting any potential new settings, if you can, to get a feel for it, see how things are laid out and how they deliver their learning.

We recommend that you:

  • have some questions prepared that you want to ask
  • ask your child for their views (if possible)

We have created a visiting schools checklist below that contains some helpful prompts and suggested questions that you might find helpful.

Visiting schools checklist 

Below you will find our checklist of helpful prompts and questions for visiting potential new schools or settings. You can print the page and take it with you, or download the file below and change it to suit your needs.

Things to consider before your visit

  • It might be helpful to visit in school hours when children are in classes
  • Will it be helpful to take your child / young person with you?
  • Do you want a guided tour around the school and a chance to ask questions?
  • Do you want another adult to come with you?
  • Can you talk to other parents and children about the school?
  • Is the school east to get to?

What should I look for 

  • Does the school feel welcoming?
  • Are you given clear, useful information?
  • Is the pupils work on display? Do they include all abilities?
  • Do the classrooms look like places where the children can learn?
  • Does the whole school look orderly and under control?
  • Are the corridors and toilet areas clean and tidy?
  • Are you given chance to talk to pupils about their experience?
  • Are there good facilities for individual subjects or specific needs?
  • Is it easy to get around? Could my child get to all areas?
  • How secure is the site?
  • Do the staff seem interested in your child/ young person
  • Is there evidence that the school celebrates different cultures?
  • Would you like to spend your day there?

Questions to ask a primary school or setting 

  • How would the school get to know my child before they start?
  • How would my child get to know school?
  • How is the school organised: age, ability, subject groups?
  • How many children will be in my child's class?
  • How often would my child change class, or move around school?
  • How many children will be in my child's class?
  • What time does school start and finish?
  • Is there a breakfast or after school club?
  • What support and supervision is available at break or lunch time?
  • What lunchtime or after school activities are available?
  • Does the school have a buddy system?
  • How does school assess work and monitor progress?
  • How often are written reports sent home?
  • How regularly would my child’s progress be reviewed?
  • What are the arrangements for contact between home and school?
  • How are parents involved in school life?
  • What is the school’s policy on: bullying, behaviour, inclusion, giving medication?
  • How do they make sure the school is safe?

Questions to ask a secondary school or setting 

  • Is there a homework club and if so when?
  • Will my child have their own specific timetable?
  • Does the school offer alternatives to GCSEs?
  • Does the school have links to any local colleges?
  • How do they make sure the school is safe?

Specialist SEND questions to ask a school or setting 

  • Does the school have any experience of helping children with similar difficulties?
  • How does the school arrange extra support for pupils who need it?
  • Is the extra support usually provided in the classroom, individually or in a small group?
  • How many pupils are in each class?
  • How does the school plan activities to include all pupils?
  • How is work adapted for individual pupils?
  • How does the school make sure my pupil has the chance to take part in all areas of the curriculum?
  • How will teachers be informed of my child’s SEND and how is this monitored?
  • Is there a special room or quiet area for children with SEND?
  • Is a member of SEND available at all times?
  • If a pupil has a problem who can help them?
  • How do they make sure the school is safe?

Parental involvement  

  • Are there any groups for parents/ carers?
  • Does the school website have regularly updated information for parents?
  • Are there information evenings to help parents support their child/ young person at school?
  • How do parents find out about their child’s/young person’s homework?
  • How do parents find out how their child/young person is getting on at school?

Documents / reports to ask for or find online

  • Ask for a copy of the schools prospectus
  • You can ask for copies of the schools policies
  • Find the schools Ofsted report online

Questions to ask a child/ young person after the school visit 

  • What did you think of the school?
  • What did you like about the school?
  • Is there anything you didn’t like?
  • Is there anything you are worried about?
  • Is there anything else you want to know or want to find out more about?


  • How will your child get to and from school?

Any other Questions/ Notes

Add any other questions you have or use this space to make notes.

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