We hope that you find this page helpful. If you have any questions, you can get in touch and we will try to answer them for you.
If you do not already have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), then you will need to apply for one. An EHCP is a legal document that children and young people can get upto the age of 25.
The information below will tell you more about this and what you will need to do:
What is an EHCP
An EHCP is a legal document that tells your school, college or setting what your needs are and how to help you, children and young people can get upto the age of 25.
You might find this video from the CDC helpful as it explains what is an Education, Health Care (EHC) plan is.
What is an EHC needs assessment
To get an EHCP you first need to ask for an EHC needs assessment.
The assessment is a way to look more closely at your special educational needs (SEND) and the support that you may need to help you to learn.
In Leicestershire the Special Educational Needs Assessment and Commissioning Service (SENA) conduct all EHC needs assessments.
There are four steps to an EHC needs assessment:
SENA has six weeks from receiving the request to decide if they think that an assessment is needed. They do this by looking at all the information that is sent in with the request at a decision-making meeting (panel meeting)
If an assessment is not agreed, this is known as 'refusal to assess' and you could appeal against this decision to the SEND tribunal. A letter will be sent to you to inform you of their decision, which gives you the right to appeal. You can request a meeting with an officer from the Leicestershire County Council SENA team to discuss this further is you wish by contacting them directly. Their contact details will be on the letter
If the assessment is agreed, then you might be asked to meet with some professionals such as an Educational Psychologist as part of this process. This will help them to assess your needs, so that they can make a decision on whether they think that an EHC plan (EHCP) is needed
If the decision is not to issue an EHCP then again you can appeal this decision, 'refusal to issue a plan' to the SEND tribunal. You can also request a meeting with the SENA officer. At that meeting you can discuss why this decision was made and then from that meeting you can ask the school/college to look at how they can better support you better from any information that was discussed at the meeting or from any written reasoning provided from your refusal letter
If your given an EHCP, it is a legal document that your school, college or setting must then follow to support you with your learning and education.
Please be aware that having a needs assessment does not mean you will definitely get an EHCP.
This does not mean that assessment has not been useful, it may still lead to you getting the right support from your school or college as they should now understand your needs much better and will have been given some advice from SENA.
How do I apply
EHC needs assessment requests are made to the SENA team at Leicestershire County Council.
It can be made by you, your parents/ carer or by your school, college or setting with your permission. You can apply directly yourself to the Leicestershire County Council SENA department by completing our template letter:
Or work in partnership with your school/college, who would complete a request form for you.
Completing this letter is a way for you to tell the SENA team about your SEND needs. They will then use this information, along with feedback from the school/college to make their final decision about whether to go ahead with the assessment or not. It is important they can fully understand the difficulties and the support that you think you need. We can help you with what information to provide:
As part of the request, information and evidence about your SEND and any support that has already been tried must be given to SENA. This is done using different forms/letters, depending on who is providing the information.
You could work with your parent/ carer or school/college to give your thoughts, feelings and views. You might also find our decision making toolkit helpful.
If your school, college or setting does not give you a copy of what they submit you can contact the SENA team to ask for it.
Leicestershire County Council SENA team
Call: 0116 305 6600 during office hours
Email: SenaService@leics.gov.uk
Contact the SENA service
What happens next
Once the request for an EHC needs assessment has been made, there are a few different things that could happen. These are:
Assessment not agreed
SENA could say they do not think an assessment is needed. If they do, then they must tell you why they have made this decision. They have 6 weeks to tell you their decision.
You can then choose to appeal (disagree with) this decision or you could wait and apply again in the future (you will have to wait at least 6 months from your original request date to apply again).
If this happens you can get in touch and we can talk to you about this and offer some help and advice.
Assessment agreed but no EHCP written/issued
If SENA agree to the assessment, they have a further 6 weeks to do the assessment and gather any additional information or advice that they need. They may ask you for some extra information or ask you to meet with a professional to talk about your needs.
After the assessment process has been completed SENA may decide not to issue an EHCP. You can appeal this decision, 'refusal to issue a plan'. You can also request a meeting with the SENA officer. At that meeting you can discuss why this decision was made. This decision may have been made because they think that your school or college is able to meet your needs and support you without one. A support plan should still be agreed and put in place by your school or college. Unlike an EHCP, it is not a legal document but should still help you to get the support that you need.
You can choose to appeal (disagree with) this decision. If this happens you can get in touch and we can talk to you about this and offer some help and advice.
Assessment agreed and EHCP written
If SENA agree to the assessment, they have a further 6 weeks to do the assessment and gather any additional information or advice that they need. They may ask you for some extra information or ask you to meet with a professional to talk about your needs.
SENA will then write to tell you that they agree an EHCP is needed and that they will be writing an EHCP for you. They will then send out a draft version of the plan. You will be given the chance to tell SENA if you are happy with this draft plan, or if you want to talk about any changes that you want to be made you can request a meeting to discuss this with a SENA Officer. When you get the draft plan you have 15 days to return to your response. If this happens you can get in touch and we can talk to you about this and offer some help and advice if you are unsure about anything or have any further questions.
Your EHCP must be finished (finalised) within 20 weeks of the request for the assessment.
I have an EHCP and my needs have changed
If you already have an EHCP, you might find the information below about them helpful.
If things have changed for you and you feel that you need more support, it may mean that your EHCP needs to be looked at again (reviewed).
It might be that:
you think you need some more or some different support
something has changed with your health or social care needs
you think that you need a change of school, college or setting
there is a big change coming up that you want some help and support to prepare for
All EHCPs must be reviewed at least every 12 months and a review meeting should be arranged, they should give you a date for your next one.
If there is a not a review happening soon, you can still speak to your school or college about your concerns and you can ask for your plan to be reviewed earlier.
You can also speak to SENA team on:
Leicestershire County Council SENA team
Call: 0116 305 6600 during office hours
Email: SenaService@leics.gov.uk
Contact your locality team
You might also find our decision making toolkit helpful.
What happens at a review
Your EHCP needs to be looked at once every 12 months to make sure that it is still helpful to you. It is sometimes called the 'annual review'.
At this meeting it is a chance for you to say what you think about the current plan, talk about anything that is worrying you or ask for any other help or support that you think you need.
The following steps make up the review process:
The school/college or other setting will ask you for your views about your current EHCP
A review meeting takes place to talk about your EHCP
SENA will ask for information from your school/setting or college, your parents/carers and anyone else that has been working with you to help them to make decisions about your plan
Within 4 weeks SENA will tell you if they are going to keep your plan the same, make changes to it or cease it
You might find our decision making toolkit helpful when preparing for a review.
If you are unhappy with anything that happens in your review, then you can get in touch to talk about this and get your options about what you can do next.
You might find it helpful to watch this video from the CDC about annual reviews:
I want to plan for the future
From year 9 onwards your EHCP reviews should talk about something called 'preparing for adulthood'.
This is to help you to:
prepare for higher education or employment
prepare you to be able to live independently
be part of your community and have supportive relationships and friendships
be as healthy as possible in your adult life
You can read more about this on the preparing you for adulthood page, or by visiting the The National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi) website.
I want to change school, setting or college
If you are unhappy at your current school, college or setting, or think that they are not able to support you in the way you need. You could ask for a meeting with them to discuss this further. You might find our decision making toolkit helpful when preparing for a meeting.
You could also talk to the SENA team on:
Leicestershire County Council SENA team
Call: 0116 305 6600 during office hours
Email: SenaService@leics.gov.uk
Contact the SENA Service
It may be that a review is arranged to look at your plan and your placement in more detail, as for a change of placement to happen, it must be changed in section I of your EHCP.
I don't want a plan anymore
If you do not think that you need your EHCP anymore then you can speak to your school, college or setting about this. You can also speak to the SENA team
Leicestershire County Council SENA team
Call: 0116 305 6600 during office hours
Email: SenaService@leics.gov.uk
Contact the SENA service
Your plan will automatically stop when you reach the age of 25, or if you choose to leave further education or training.
Whilst we hope that you find these resources helpful, the information in this section is not endorsed by Leicestershire SENDIASS and we're not responsible for the content of sites or services offered by third parties.